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  • Constitution Counter

    Every month
    The ultimate support for your second amendement
    • They have pushed us far enough... Here's the deal
    • All gear, from anywhere I can, at cost pricing
    • 2A everything
    • Anything from major brands, shipped straight to your door...
    • Support the 2A, and save a ton of money at the same time...
    • Join us Brothers and Sisters!
  • Constitution Counter

    Every month
    Support the Frontlines of the 2nd Amendment fight!
    • Take YouTube demonetization power away, fund the 2nd!
    • For $.06 a day, you can fund the fight for our rights.
    • 1/3 the cost of a cup of coffee, you can make a difference!
    • Cheaper than a 9mm round, send this down range!

"Honestly a bit skeptical at first but after speaking with Branden and comparing pricing, you definitely cant beat this. To start off ordered me a SigSauer Romeo5x red dot and a TLR-1 light. Super happy with my purchase. Definitely a super cool dude just trying to help out the firearm community. Will Definitely be ordering more very soon.


Thank you Branden much appreciated brother."

- Albert P.

"I emailed Braden to get a price on a Streamlight TLR-6 Pistol light.

Braden replied to me within 24 hours with a great price and payment and shipping options. In addition he sent me an easy payment link.

I received the light in only 3 business days. Overall this was a smooth excellent transaction. I look forward to his website completion for future orders but he current process is very easy, just email him directly and he will reply promptly.

This is a great program Braden, I hope you have great success with it."


"Decided to sign on with Braden and Constitution Counter to show support for him and for Second Amendment rights. I’ve been looking at a gun safe that I wanted to purchase so I asked Braden if he could get it through his distributers. Turns out they didn’t have that make/model, but Braden worked on it and came up with some excellent substitutes. I ended up ordering a similar safe to the one I originally was looking for, and a second smaller safe as well after reviewing his recommendations. Braden went the extra distance to help me get what I was looking for. I will definitely be ordering more from him in the future. Thanks again for your efforts, Braden!" 


-Bob R.

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